If you are not satisfied with the item(s) you have ordered, we will give you a full refund provided that you return the item(s) to us within 14 days of receipt and in a re-saleable condition – i.e. in their original packaging, unworn, unwashed and complete with their original labels.
- We reserve the right to refuse a refund for items returned that are not in a re-saleable condition. If we have made a mistake on an item sent to you, or it is faulty, damaged or of unsatisfactory quality, we will refund the delivery charges that you have paid to return that item .
If you receive an incorrect, faulty or damaged item, please contact our Customer Service Team by e-mail at chris@addiktcarping.co.uk who will be happy to help.
We will only refund the price of the item to the purchaser once it is received back by us.
Please allow up to 5 working days for items to reach us, and a further 5 days for the credit to show in the purchaser’s account.
If you decide that you no longer require your order before goods are dispatched please let us know as soon as possible and we are happy to issue a full refund,